Reminder of First Annual Meeting of the Membership Scheduled for 23 January 2016

The first Annual Meeting the Membership of the Linden Heritage Foundation will be held on Saturday, 23 January 2016, at the Linden Garden Club (300 E Houston St) starting at 2 pmAll members are encouraged to attend and exercise their right to vote for 2016 Board of Directors.

The agenda for the meeting includes:

  1. Welcome – Sam Higdon, President
  2. Introduction of Nominating Committee Members – Sam Higdon
  3. Nominating Committee submits Slate of Directors for election
  4. Explanation of voting process, tabulate vote, and announce results
  5. Review of Foundation financial statement
  6. Review of past and current activities
  7. Questions and Comments
  8. Announcement of next quarterly meeting of Board of Directors – date, time, and location
  9. Refreshments & Visitation

The Board of Directors will meet following the Business Meeting to discuss:

  1. Election of Officers
  2. Staggered terms of Directors
  3. Committee formation
  4. Goals for 2016


First 2016 Linden City Council Meeting Scheduled for 11 January with Foundation-Related Topics on Agenda

The Linden City Council’s first meeting of 2016 is scheduled for Monday, 11 January, starting at 6:00 pm at the Mary Daughety Senior Citizens Center located at 507 S. Kaufman in Linden.

Two items on the agenda will be of interest to members and friends of the Linden Heritage Foundation.

  • “Discuss and take action on Request for Proposals for fire house and water tower”
  • “Discuss fire house deed for Heritage Foundation”
  • “Discuss and take action on selection of two members representing City Council on “Linden 2025” committee (only one can be a council member)

We hope that you will be able to attend.


Foundation Submits Historic Linden Firehouse for Preservation Texas’ Most Endangered Place List

PreservatinTexasLogoCroppedThe Linden Heritage Foundation is a member of Preservation Texas (PT),  a private, nonprofit member-supported organization dedicated to protecting the historic resources of Texas.

Their Most Endangered Places (MEP) Program, initiated in 2003, focuses attention on, and encourages appreciation of, Texas’ threatened historic properties. Through the MEP Program, PT provides services to at-risk historic properties by leveraging and fostering partnerships, coordinating assistance, ranging from advocacy and technical services, and helps empower stewards of the MEP sites.

The Foundation has submitted Linden’s Historic 1939 Firehouse for consideration for their 2016 Most Endangered Places list in the Local Public Buildings category.  Public announcement of the 2016 list will take place during the Preservation Summit event on February 18, 2016 in Austin.

More information about Preservation Texas is available at




Lead article in 30 December 2015 issue of Cass County Sun entitled “2015: The Year in Review”

CassCountySun 30Dec2015 Pg1The lead article in the 30 December 2015 issue of the Cass County Sun entitled 2015: The Year in Review.  Caption of the photo accompanying photo reads “One of the biggest stories of 2015 was the 1934 water tower which went from nearly being demolished to a major project by the newly formed Linden Heritage Foundation.”

CassCountySun 30Dec2015 Pg10In the summary of July’s major events, the article noted that “The Linden City Council voted to demolish the 1934 water tower, which had previously been taken out of commission.  The continuation of the article on page 10 noted under August events that “Council later voted to allow private investors the opportunity to submit a proposal for its renovation.”

Two events involving the Foundation were noted from November. 1) “The Linden Heritage Foundation said they wanted Linden’s downtown area to the designated a Texas Main Street by the Texas Historical Commission.”  2) “The City of Linden transferred ownership of the abandoned 1939 fire station to the Linden Heritage Foundation which would seek private development of the property.”

Thanks to widespread, strong community support of the Linden Heritage Foundation proposals to preserve the 1934 Water Tower and 1939 Fire Station, plans are being made to allow both structures to play a positive role in the future redevelopment of Linden, Texas.  






City Council Approves “Linden 2025” Plan

At the 14 December 2015 meeting of the Linden City Council Meeting, City Administrator Bob Swisher presented his proposed “Linden 2025” plan as a bold path forward for the City.  Linden Heritage Foundation Board President Sam Higdon and Foundation Director Joe B. Lovelace spoke in support of the plan.  After questions and discussions, “Linden 2025” was unanimously adopted by motion made by Alderman Sue Morris Lazara.

A “Linden 2025” Committee was authorized to assist the City Council in implementation of the plan goals with immediate priority given to the exploration of a Texas Main Street designation for the downtown business district.

Six individuals appointed to the Committee by the City Council, Linden Economic Development Corporation. and Linden Heritage Foundation will be announced at the 11 January 2016 meeting of the City Council.  Two citizens-at-large positions will be filled at a meeting of the Committee on January 14th.

For individuals interested in appointment to an at-large position, submit your name and credentials to Bob Swisher ( no later than 13 January 2016 at 5 pm CST.

Our thanks to Bob Swisher for providing the following outline of and comments about Linden 2025.

“Downtown and Events

  • A true historic district with reason to visit and participate (business and restaurant district) including foot traffic and entertainment.
  • City Square buildings 90% occupied and open
  • Downtown advertising on Hwy 59 to possibly include sign to alert travelers to events in the city
  • Covered Event Center (current rodeo arena) with capability for concerts and events.
  • Finished Library with online capability to be an information center for the city.
  • Visitor Center with staff.
  • Signs that direct visitors within the city

 City Wide

  • In conjunction with LEDC identify and develop business opportunities with sustainable job growth
  • Water system capable of supplying water at specified pressure to all residents in all areas.
  • Sewer service to all existing customers with proper flow.
  • Tanks and wells to provide water through drought summer months.
  • A minimum level of animal control.
  • Police Station that passes fire and health inspection (current one fails fire and has had mold).
  • Drainage for the whole city.
  • New street paving for the whole city.
  • Street signs for the whole city (60% of intersections have no sign).
  • Land use to include limited zoning requirements and building occupancy
  • Housing; which would include grants for remodel/repair and new housing units”

“This would be a 10-year program and will include a review of the Main Street program and application if this will push us forward to the goals.  We need a program built for all residents with their tax dollars, and make this a program that they can monitor and track the results in their community.”

“The program goals will bring Linden citizens (all citizens) and people living near Linden together to look at what a great opportunity we have to create a new, diverse and dynamic community.  Respecting and preserving the past, but building a future we can all be proud of.  This is not all inclusive, it is open to further discussion and inclusions or deletions then decisions on priorities and timing.  Linden 2025 will be the road map and provide decision guidance as we move forward.”
