At the October 13, 2015 meeting of the Linden City Council action was taken on items relating to the future of Linden’s historic water tower. The Council approved the A. L. Franks Engineering report on a method to “air gap” the water tower that would not impact negatively the tower’s historic fabric or future commercial value. MTG Engineers and Surveyors recommended the City strengthen support to the tank connection at the southwest corner of foundation and inspect the remaining three anchor bolts to determine if any immediate action is required. The Council approved the recommendation. and agreed that further non-structural elective repairs to the water tank and firehouse be deferred and folded into a long-term development plan.
By December 31, 2015 the Linden Heritage Foundation will 1) submit to the City Council plans to materially encourage future private commercial development of the 1934 water tower and firehouse and 2) qualify the structures as local historic landmarks.
Our progress to date would not have occurred without the support of Don Henley who funded the independent engineering study and strategically placed images of the water tower in promotions for his newest album, Cass County. Thanks also to the people of Linden who have expressed their support to the City of Linden and the Linden Heritage Foundation to work hand-in-hand to ensure preservation of the 1934 water tower and firehouse.
#LindenHeritageFdn #DonHenley