Texas Main Street: Linden Reimagined

Have you thought about how to reimagine Linden?  The Main Street America Program provides historic downtowns with the opportunity to effectively redevelop through specially-targeted public and private investment.  Operated in Texas by the Texas Historical Commission, the Texas Main Street Program (TMSP) is one of the oldest and largest in the nation, with 87 fully-designated communities.  The mission of TMSP is to provide technical expertise, resources, and support for Texas communities in the preservation and economic revitalization of historic downtowns and commercial districts.  The City of Linden has filed a Letter of Intent with the Texas Historical Commission to participate in the 2017 Texas Main Street Program.

Event participants included (left to right) Joe Lovelace, Ruth Halleck, Sue Lazara, Tracy Cox, Linda Goller, Marshall McMillan, andy Clarence Burns. Photo courtesy of Jo Anna Duncan.
Event participants included (left to right) Joe Lovelace, Ruth Halleck, Sue Lazara, Tracy Cox, Linda Goller, Marshall McMillan, andy Clarence Burns. Photo courtesy of Jo Anna Duncan.

On Monday, April 11th, the City of Linden, Linden Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) and Linden Heritage Foundation (LHF) welcomed downtown-Linden business owners, members of “Linden 2025” Committee, LEDC and City officials, and LHF members to a Texas Main Street Information Event.  Tracy Cox, Main Street Director for San Augustine, Texas served as facilitator. With help from San Augustine Main Street Advisory Board Members Marshall McMillan and Linda Goller, Ms. Cox presented information on and answered questions about TMSP’s benefits to San Augustine, a city similar in size to Linden, that was awarded Texas Main Street City status in 2013.

Ms. Cox, Mr. McMillan, and Ms. Goller explained that TMSP has been a crucial tool for revitalizing the economic and social health of their community.  In addition to being the heart of local heritage and community pride, San Augustine’s historic downtown is the most important indicator of economic health.  Historic buildings are turning into prime locations for unique entrepreneurial businesses that attract tourists, keep local dollars at home, and add to the community’s sales tax collections, hotel tax, and property values.

A second Texas Main Street Information Event will be held Thursday, May 5th from 1:30 to 3 pm in the Fellowship Hall of the Linden United Methodist Church.  Carolyn Teague, Main Street Director for Mt. Vernon, Texas, will lead the program.  Everyone is welcome to attend and participate.  There will be designated seating for Linden-downtown business/property owners, members of the Linden City Council, and LEDC Board of Directors.

How do you reimagine Linden?


Cass County Sun: “Community brings ideas to Linden 2025 forum”

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Photo courtesy of “Cass County Sun.”

The Cass County Sun (Vol. 141 No. 10) published an article on Linden 2025 in the March 9, 2016 edition of the paper.  Sam Higdon, President of the Linden Heritage Foundation, spoke in support of the plan at a public forum held on March 3rd. Ruth Halleck and Catherine Knapp officially represented the Foundation on the Linden 2025 Committee.  Other members of the Foundation who served on the Committee were Carla Surratt, Jeanie Stevens, and Kay Stephens.

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Linden & Atlanta Newspapers: Preservation Texas chooses Linden’s Old Firehouse as Texas’ Most Endangered Local Public Building in 2016

Linden's 1939 Firehouse
Linden’s 1939 Firehouse is adjacent to the City’s 1934 Historic Water Tower.

The Cass County Sun and Atlanta Citizen’s Journal published an article by Erin Wells on February 24, 2016 announcing the decision by PreservationTexas.org to include the Old Linden Firehouse in their 2016 Texas’ Most Endangered Places list in the category of local public buildings.  The article is available at http://goo.gl/fzG73a.


Award Presentation for 2016 Texas’ Most Endangered Places

2016 Most Endangered Places Awards Photo
2016 Texas’ Most Endangered Places Awards Presentation in Austin, Texas on February 18, 2016.

Linden Heritage Foundation Secretary John Knapp (bottom right in blue shirt) holding  photo of Linden’s 1939 Firehouse at announcement of Preservation Texas’ 2016 Most Endangered Places awards.  Photo by Anne Wheat from tweet posted by Texas Historical Commission.

Welcoming NeonCRM Services to Linden Heritage Foundation

Members and donors are the foundation upon which a nonprofit organization is built.  Fostering a strong relationship with its constituents is essential for a 501(c)(3) public charity, such as the Linden Heritage Foundation, to be successful.  For this reason, constituent relationship management (CRM) software is used by the majority of nonprofits organizations to assist them with core online operations such as processing and acknowledging membership dues and donations.

NeonCRM_133x160The Linden Heritage Foundation is now utilizing the services of NeonCRMa database built for nonprofits by a team with a background working for nonprofits. Their main goal is to provide nonprofit organizations like ours with new technologies to help us achieve our mission.   An industry-leading system and product of Z2 Systems, NeonCRM gives us the ability to manage constituent/member/donor data using cloud-based technology.

Z2SecureLogoNeonCRM is used by many leading nonprofit organizations such as Preservation Texas, Boys & Girls Club, Habitat for Humanity, and the Kidney Cancer Association.  When you see this logo on our membership and donation pages, you know that your transactions are secure.

