An Image Gallery page has been added to our website which will feature the work of photographers who have graciously permitted us to use their images in support of the Foundation. The page is available from either our main menu or directly at
Laura Sergeant graciously offered the Foundation use of photographs of downtown Linden that she took in June of 2016. Her comments about the images follow.
“I chose to use black and white images because they highlighted the simple geometry of the structures. The Texas sky presents each structure at its powerful best. The buildings on the square, as well as the water tower, stand guard as the Cass County Courthouse reigns elegantly, awaiting its guests.”
Images are the property of Laura Sergeant and may not be reused without her permission via
Preservation Texas has scheduled their 2016 East Texas Regional Meeting in Marshall, Texas on August 11. A full day of sessions will be focused on saving historic railroad sites and structures. More information is available at
Melinda Winton (left), Manager of Walmart SuperCenter in Atlanta, Texas, presented a $1,000 donation from the Walmart Community Grant Program to the Linden Heritage Foundation’s 1939 Firehouse Rescue Fund onJune 3, 2016. Jana C. Bounds (middle) and Charlotte Wells (right) accepted the check on behalf of the Linden Heritage Foundation. Photograph courtesy of Jo Anna Duncan’s Front Porch Treasures Studio on Facebook at
Linden City Administrator, Bob Swisher, has assembled the following group to prepare the City’s application for the 2017 Texas Main Street Program.
Clarence Burns – Criteria 5: Demonstrated need
Mary Dowd – Criteria 2: Community and private sector support and organizational capacity; Overall Editor
Emily Henderson – Criteria 4: Physical capacity
Sue Lazara – Criteria 1: Historic commercial fabric and historic identity; Photos and descriptions
Kay Stephens – Criteria 1: Historic commercial fabric and historic identity
Bob Swisher – Criteria 3, Public sector support and financial capacity; Timeline; Committee Chair
The Committee met on Tuesday, May 24th, at City Hall to discuss the application process, tasks, and duties. The application is due at the Texas Historical Commission in Austin on or before July 29, 2016.