Linden Heritage Foundation Annual Membership Meeting – January 12, 2019

The Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Linden Heritage Foundation will be held on Saturday, January 12, 2019, at the Linden Garden Club (300 East Houston St in Linden) starting at 2 pm.

On the Agenda are a review of the Old Linden Firehouse Project and Election of Directors.

A historical presentation will be given by George Frost, Jr (teacher, coach & historian) of Maud, Texas.  Author of “The Writings of J. H. Frost”, Mr. Frost is a member of the Cass County Genealogical Society. He traces the time of the “Populist” movement in Cass County through the use of newspaper columns of the Cass County Sun (Linden Standard) and letters of his great-grandfather J. H. “Jim” Frost.

1889 to 1904 was a dynamic political period for Cass County that included a Special Election to cede 176 sq. miles of west Cass County to Morris County, and move the county seat from Linden to Atlanta.

Politics runs deep in the Frost family – J. H. “Jim” Frost ran unsuccessfully for Cass County state representative and county judge.  Two grandsons would be elected to public office – Joseph Frost to the city council of Texarkana and city mayor – Berry Frost as county commissioner in Cass County & great-great-grandson Stephen Frost as state representative.

A reception will follow.

All interested in Cass County history are invited to attend.

For more information on the Linden Heritage Foundation