The future of Linden’s historic water tower will be discussed at the next meeting of the Linden City Council on 13 October 2015 beginning at 6 pm at the Mary Daughety Senior Citizens Center on South Kaufman. Items on the agenda include taking action on options to de-commission and disconnect the 1934 overhead storage tank. Engineering reports will be presented to the Council. The Linden Heritage Foundation will submit a Resolution between the City and Foundation regarding Linden’s original water tank and firehouse. The Foundation supports preservation of these structures as historic landmarks as well as future development of the sites in a way that will optimally boost our downtown’s vitality. Please attend this meeting and/or contact members of the City Council to express your support for these goals. If you wish to make remarks during the public comment agenda item, be sure to arrive at least 5 minutes early to place your name of the list of individuals who wish to address the Council.