Laura Sergeant graciously offered the Foundation use of photographs of downtown Linden that she took in June of 2016. Her comments about the images follow.
“I chose to use black and white images because they highlighted the simple geometry of the structures. The Texas sky presents each structure at its powerful best. The buildings on the square, as well as the water tower, stand guard as the Cass County Courthouse reigns elegantly, awaiting its guests.”
East face of Cass County CourthouseStorefronts north of Courthouse Square looking west along sidewalk
South face of temporarily shrouded 1939 Firehouse and adjacent 1934 water towerNorth steps of Cass County Courthouse looking west toward Davis Drug building
Former Allen Bros. Women’s storefront on north side of Linden’s Public Square, with beautifully restored display window and transom frames made of durable sinker cypressDavis Drug building (right) built in 1916 and Linden City Hall (center) which was built in 1914 as The First National Bank of Linden
View of Cass County Courthouse from the northeast with Linden’s 1934 historic water tower in backgroundView of Linden’s 1934 water tank from south side of pump house located under the tower
Images are the property of Laura Sergeant and may not be reused without her permission via