December 31, 2016 brings an end to your first year of membership in the Linden Heritage Foundation if you joined in 2015. Charter Members can renew either as a Sustaining Member ($100) or as an Individual Member ($35).
A Sustaining Member page has been added to our website to properly acknowledge members who support the work of the Foundation at the $100 level.
The important work of the Linden Heritage Foundation is made possible by the generous support of people like you, people committed to preserving and celebrating the places and stories that make Linden distinctive and unique. Please act now to either renew online with your credit card or by mail with a check.
To Renew Online:
Go to https://lindenheritage.z2systems.com and login to your Foundation account. If you have do not know your Login Name and Password, you can recover the information by clicking on the “Send Recovery Email” link. Please use the recovery option rather than creating a new account.
To Renew by Check:
Options for both new and renewal membership are listed on our website at http://lindenheritage.org/membership. Choose your preferred membership category and mail a check to the address below. Be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, and email address. A receipt will be mailed to you.
Linden Heritage Foundation PO Box 507 Linden, TX 75563-507
If you have questions, please send an email to ContacUs@LindenHeritage.org Thank you all for your continued support of Linden and the Linden Heritage Foundation! #LindenHeritageFdn