The Linden Heritage Foundation has formed an Active Research Committee, comprised of Kay Stephens, Gail Dorgan, Catherine Knapp, and Sue Lazara to collect documentation of both the old Firehouse and the historic Linden Waterworks project. An old City Record Book, found in the Vault at Linden City Hall, is adding special detail to what is known from old newspaper accounts about the Water Tower, Firehouse, first fire truck, and related infrastructure improvements of the 1930s, such as the city’s special Columbian and Mueller single-valve fire hydrants.
However, the old records contain very few photos. Therefore, there is an urgent need for historic photos of the 1934 Water Tower and 1939 Linden Firehouse. Even if the structures are only partially shown or in the far background, photos can be amazingly useful when we apply for public sector grants and/or landmark designations in proving the continuous presence of the building on that same commercial block. The more photographic proof
and personal memories we use in our application, the more favorably it will be considered.
For this reason, the Research Committee is requesting that all long-time Linden families review their own family photo albums from the early to middle 20th century and let us know if any pre-1980 images of the Water Tower or Firehouse are found. The Committee will then visit the owner of the photo at a convenient time, bring a digital scanner to image the photo, and leave the original photo with its owner. Photo credits will be made when the historic photos are re-printed, of course!
If you have such photos, or any other historic Linden photographs that you are willing to share, please call Catherine Knapp at 903.756.5721 or send an email to ContactUs@lindenheritage.org with “Historic Photographs” in the subject line.
Your help to preserve our history is very much appreciated!