Linden’s 1939 Firehouse has been chosen by Preservation Texas for its 2016 Texas’ Most Endangered Places list in the local public building category. The fourteen sites being added to the 2016 list will be announced formally at Wooldridge Park in Austin on Thursday afternoon as part of Preservation Texas 2016 Summit. The following statement was posted on PreservationTexas.org.
Preservation Texas posted the following information on their website on 18 February 2016.
“The sites on the 2016 list represent cultural, architectural and historic places that are at risk, and represent the types of sites that are endangered across Texas. Local grassroots organizations have been working tirelessly in support of these sites. By including them on the list, Preservation Texas hopes to rally Texans statewide to step up and save them. Historic preservation has a $4.6 billion economic impact in Texas. Historic sites named to the list of Texas’ Most Endangered Places represent some of the best opportunities to make a positive economic impact on local communities through preservation, particularly through the use of the new state historic preservation tax credit.”
Preservation Texas supports sites on its Most Endangered Places List providing advocacy support, publicity and assistance and assistance in fostering and building community partnerships.
Representatives of the Linden Heritage Foundation are attending the awards ceremony in Austin.
That’s terrific news!
When you think about an historic landmark, firehouses don’t come first to mind but they should. Without the firehouse and firefighters many historic buildings would have been lost to fire. The Linden Heritage Foundation is proud, with the Water Tower, to move the Firehouse forward into a potential Linden Historic District and Texas Main Street Designation.