“There’s something happening here…” begins the lyrics of a popular 1967 hit by Buffalo Springfield which applies to activity you see on the ground and slope adjacent to South Kaufman Street.
What’s happening there is the clearing of trees and brush by LPR Logistics of Marshall, Texas, engaged by the Linden Heritage Foundation (LHF) as the first step in erecting historic signage in Linden’s City Park.
The LHF has compiled a history of that area focusing on a stream bed you see lined with WPA rocks as it flows east from Main Street past Kaufman and toward Centerhill Road. The creek is referred to as “Ten-Yard Branch” in early Cass County records. It was important for Linden’s early settlers (1848) as it was a source of fresh water.

In 1854 the stream became valuable to J. T. Veal who established Linden’s early brickworks (kiln) there. Thousands of bricks were formed and fired with much of the labor performed by enslaved persons. Documented 1850’s construction using Veal’s brickworks are the 1856 Cass County Jail, the 1858 Cass County Jailor’s House and the 1859-1861 Cass County Courthouse. In 1860 the bricks were used to construct the first floor of the Sarah and Uriah Squires’ home, later named The Old Wright Patman Homestead.

The signage will begin with the story of this important water source incorporating surviving bricks made during that era. The cleared area will provide an unobstructed sight line to the important features of downtown Linden.
Conceptual drawings of the signage, historical language, proposed seating, lighting, and landscaping are being prepared and will be submitted at a Linden City Council meeting with the opportunity for public input. Cost of construction will be through donations with no cost to the City (fundraising similar to placing lighting on the 1934 Water Tower).